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Inner Nada Yoga
Workshop as Personalized Tutorial
Techniques of Inner Nada Yoga enable us to transform & expand our inner experiences of meditation, yoga practices and life. Learning to redirect attention to inner sounds can lead us to experience increasingly subtle layers of energy channels, chakras and awareness.
Mystics and classic yoga texts describe types of inner sounds which serve as milestones of progress and inspiration to progressive attunement to the primordial vibration of the universe.
Drawing from many yogic traditions, this workshop will teach practical tools including:
- Many internal techniques for beginner, intermediate and advanced practice
- Options for Pratyahara, closing the external senses
- Several pranayama practices specific to beginner or advanced Nada Yoga techniques
- Understanding the optional role of bandhas in Nada Yoga
- Guidelines on pre-requisite or adjunct practices
- Understanding Ritambhara Prajna (Yoga Sutras 1:48) as related to the path of Nada Yoga
- Recommendations for follow-up practices.
“Inner music or inner nada is cosmic vibration leading to the experience of one’s own true Self, that is, to union with the Supreme, the Absolute I-AM. Nada Yoga means union with the Self by means of Nada, the inner music, the inner light.” Sri Brahmananda Sarasvati
“Progressive attunement to the inner nada, the inner mystical sounds, provides a subtle thread which will draw our awareness to the transcendental Divine Source.” Bill Francis Barry
“With practice one’s perception becomes more and more refined and sensitive. Eventually one’s perception of subtle nada becomes so sensitive that one becomes aware of the bindu. This is the gateway to pure consciousness. This is the essence of nada yoga sadhana.” Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati.
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“With practice one’s perception becomes more and more refined and sensitive. Eventually one’s perception of subtle nada becomes so sensitive that one becomes aware of the bindu. This is the gateway to pure consciousness. This is the essence of nada yoga sadhana.” Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati.
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