Sacred Heart’s Inner Chamber:
A Path of Mantra & Knowledge
--- workshop as Personalized Tutorial option ---
Scriptures and mystics speak of the Sacred Heart. The Vedas teach that the Sacred Heart is the Hrit Padma, the ‘city of Brahman’ within a ‘hidden chamber of the heart’. Jesus taught of the kingdom of heaven within. Ramana Maharshi spoke about the ‘Dahara Akasha’. Saint Teresa of Avila wrote of the ‘Interior Castle’. Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki wrote of a space deep within our hearts containing the world and the stars. Islam teaches of the hidden Imam within the heart. The Upanishads, teach that this space within the heart ‘is to be sought after, and what is there one should desire to understand’.
Guided by the teachings of Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand), this workshop presents a travel-guide for the inner journey to the Sacred Heart. Roadmaps to the Sacred Heart are found in the Vedic & Upanishad scriptures. Many Sanskrit mantras and some yogic techniques provide the means. The experiences of sages and mystics point the way.
A Path of Mantra & Knowledge
--- workshop as Personalized Tutorial option ---
Scriptures and mystics speak of the Sacred Heart. The Vedas teach that the Sacred Heart is the Hrit Padma, the ‘city of Brahman’ within a ‘hidden chamber of the heart’. Jesus taught of the kingdom of heaven within. Ramana Maharshi spoke about the ‘Dahara Akasha’. Saint Teresa of Avila wrote of the ‘Interior Castle’. Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki wrote of a space deep within our hearts containing the world and the stars. Islam teaches of the hidden Imam within the heart. The Upanishads, teach that this space within the heart ‘is to be sought after, and what is there one should desire to understand’.
Guided by the teachings of Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand), this workshop presents a travel-guide for the inner journey to the Sacred Heart. Roadmaps to the Sacred Heart are found in the Vedic & Upanishad scriptures. Many Sanskrit mantras and some yogic techniques provide the means. The experiences of sages and mystics point the way.
Participants will learn:
· The nature of the Hrit Padma, the esoteric eight-petaled chakra near the Anahata (Heart) Center and the five sheaths of existence which surround the contents of the Hrit Padma · About the Atman, and the Ishta-Devata forms of God, taught by the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. · The benefits of attunement to, and eventual realization of, the Hrit Padma. · Dozens of Sanskrit mantras to attune to the Hrit Padma including rarely taught mantras from the Maha Nirvana Tantra · Basic mantra practices and advanced mantra disciplines. · Teachings that the bija mantra of the Hrit Padma represents “the point all the Vedas are trying to make clear" & “the end of all learning and the beginning of true knowledge" · Hrit Padma teachings from several religions, mystics and some contemporary teachers. Participants receive a detailed handout and audio recording of all workshop mantras. |
“Of the hundreds of chakras in the physical body, there is one that is of paramount spiritual importance, yet little spoken or written about. It is the Hrit Padma…” Namadeva Acharya from his book The Ancient Power of Sanskrit Mantra and Ceremony, Vol I, page 46
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