Two Workshops + Puja with Bill Barry
August 22-23, 2015
At Yoga Vermont
113 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401
August 22-23, 2015
At Yoga Vermont
113 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401
August 22, 1– 5:30PM
Awakening Prana thru Mantra & Jnana Shakti
· Prana Vidya (experiential knowledge of prana) and the path of attunement to
inner channels of energy leading to expanded spiritual consciousness.
· Resolution of Karma thru clearing nadis, per teachings of Upanishads & the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
· How to recognize advanced experiences characteristic of the awakening of the prana,
as taught by several schools and advanced yogis. This includes spontaneous rapid pranayama,
spontaneous bandhas & kriyas, and methods to stabilize these experiences.
· Aids in establishing daily mantra and pranayama disciplines, basic and advanced.
Attendees will receive detailed handouts plus a CD of all workshop mantras.
inner channels of energy leading to expanded spiritual consciousness.
· Resolution of Karma thru clearing nadis, per teachings of Upanishads & the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
· How to recognize advanced experiences characteristic of the awakening of the prana,
as taught by several schools and advanced yogis. This includes spontaneous rapid pranayama,
spontaneous bandhas & kriyas, and methods to stabilize these experiences.
· Aids in establishing daily mantra and pranayama disciplines, basic and advanced.
Attendees will receive detailed handouts plus a CD of all workshop mantras.
“With the nadis purified, the inner sound or nada awakens and one is free from disease”. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
The great Swami Sivananda & Swami Vivekananda taught that purification & balance of the nadis is a prerequisite for advanced meditation and yogic practices.
The great Swami Sivananda & Swami Vivekananda taught that purification & balance of the nadis is a prerequisite for advanced meditation and yogic practices.
August 22, 7-9PM Sri Hanuman Puja

Bharata (Bill Barry) and Mandavi (Denise Barry)
will offer this Vedic Ceremony to invoke the inspiration of Hanuman, an exemplary role
model of dedicated service, invincible strength, and self-less humble devotion
guided by great wisdom that is victorious over all evils. Hanuman embodies core
principles in the Science of Yoga and the practices of Sanskrit Mantra.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend this Hanuman Puja. No prior experience with puja is required. Optional participation in the puja will include: several group mantras will be chanted and the inclusion of personal items in the puja tray. Near the end of the Puja we will chant the HANUMAN CHALISA, and those who know this beautiful hymn are welcome to join in.
WHAT IS A PUJA?: Pujas are a form of religious ceremony performed according to precise procedures found in ancient Vedic scriptures. Mantras, hymns, prayers and invocations are chanted in ancient Sanskrit, often called the language of the gods. Performed in the classic Shodasho-Pachara (16 form) ceremony, to seek Divine assistance for all of life's needs including the resolution of karma and attainment of spiritual blessings.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME to attend this Hanuman Puja. No prior experience with puja is required. Optional participation in the puja will include: several group mantras will be chanted and the inclusion of personal items in the puja tray. Near the end of the Puja we will chant the HANUMAN CHALISA, and those who know this beautiful hymn are welcome to join in.
WHAT IS A PUJA?: Pujas are a form of religious ceremony performed according to precise procedures found in ancient Vedic scriptures. Mantras, hymns, prayers and invocations are chanted in ancient Sanskrit, often called the language of the gods. Performed in the classic Shodasho-Pachara (16 form) ceremony, to seek Divine assistance for all of life's needs including the resolution of karma and attainment of spiritual blessings.
August 23, 9AM - 1PM Higher Realms, Illumined Beings ~ via Mantra

The world experienced by most of us represents a small portion the places and beings which exist. Mystics and scriptures describe communications with inhabitants of realms that defy conventional thinking. Sanskrit mantra, and some yoga disciplines, offer us tools to increase the range of our human experience to include these Divine realms. Progress on this path can provide extraordinary benefits.
This Knowledge & Mantra Immersion Workshop offers instruction and group practice in dozens of mantras that enable participants to open up new channels of attunement, experience and communication with celestial realms and beings.
This Knowledge & Mantra Immersion Workshop offers instruction and group practice in dozens of mantras that enable participants to open up new channels of attunement, experience and communication with celestial realms and beings.
Participants will learn:
- Methods to expand the range of sensory perception, within and outside of ourselves, via mantra & yogic techniques
- Mantras to attune to the Devas, Nature Spirits, Angels & Masters.
- The role of our spiritual physiology, the purification of the nadis (internal energy channels) and the development of the antahkarana to enable expanded mystic perceptions and consciousness.
- Options for basic or advanced mantra practices.
- The need to discern between attractive psychic phenomena and the goal of spiritual realization.
- Mantras for protection.
- The role of sustained practice of ‘liberation mantras’ to enable access to greater knowledge, exalted beings and the illumined realizations of the upper lokas or spheres.
Attendees will receive detailed handouts plus a CD of all workshop mantras.
“The Divine Realms are available to everyone, but by invitation only. The invitation is based upon our devotion.” Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand)
“The Divine Realms are available to everyone, but by invitation only. The invitation is based upon our devotion.” Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand)

Bill Barry
(Bharata) certified
Teacher of Mantra, Vedic Priest, with a BA degree in Yoga (Univ. of Mass,
1976); has been a student and practitioner of mantra, yoga and Vedic studies
since 1969. His studies included
in-person training with Namadeva Acharya, Yogi Bhajan, Swami Muktananda, Swami Satchidananda; plus
works of Sadguru Sant Keshavadas.
University of Mass credentials include 500+ hours Yoga Teacher Training,
BA, BS, M.Ed, MBA. He teaches workshops in Sanskrit mantra, puja ceremony and
offers puja services & private consultations.
Awakening Prana thru Mantra & Jnana Shakti - $65
Higher Realms, Illumined Beings ~ via Mantra - $65
Sri Hanuman Puja - $25
one workshop & puja - $75
both workshops & Puja - $120
Registration at 802–238–0594
Yoga Vermont 113 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401
click here to return to scheduled workshops
Awakening Prana thru Mantra & Jnana Shakti - $65
Higher Realms, Illumined Beings ~ via Mantra - $65
Sri Hanuman Puja - $25
one workshop & puja - $75
both workshops & Puja - $120
Registration at 802–238–0594
Yoga Vermont 113 Church St. Burlington, VT 05401
click here to return to scheduled workshops